I’d love to see more of Digital Humanities scholars somehow working Twitter bots into their research. Or at least just having some fun with them.

For example, new media scholar and Twitter user @samplereality codes various bots in a literary fashion, asking them to follow various commands that mimic famous authors, poems, or songs.

Here are a couple bots based off of William Carlos Williams:

And here is one based off of a mashup of Walt Whitman and people who tweet #fml:

As we can see, the work of scholars like @samplereality could be incorporated into DH studies. A Voyant analysis of all the tweets the bot produces, or of the replies people tweet?

In fact, one of my new “projects” stemming out of this class is to make a Twitter bot of my own! I will let you know how it goes.

Here are some more links for info on Twitter bots:
The Rise of Twitter Bots: The New Yorker
All of @samplereality’s bots